Is there a Second Chance after Rapture? Who are the Tribulation Saints? A MUST Read article!
I would like to begin by stating that I am not telling people that they don’t need salvation today. However, I am a realist, not an idealist. Reality dictates that after the rapture, people will be left behind because of their own unbelief, procrastination, or pride. The point of this article is not to reassure people that they can wait to believe in the Lord until after the Rapture happens. It is simply a look at what the scriptures have to say about salvation during the Tribulation. Those people ‘lucky enough’ to actually live through that time of wrath will have the opportunity to repent, but they also need to know that they will likely be martyred for their faith. It will be a long, hard road. The foundation of our relationship with the Lord is faith, not proof. “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1). The Lord asks us to have faith in Him, and to trust Him by faith alone. It is my belief that, by rapturing the church...