GETTING BACK TO OUR FIRST LOVE One of the most powerful ways to deepen our love for God is to delight ourselves in His Word. Psalm 37:4 says, "Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart " (NIV). Psalm 1:1–3 also tells us, "Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. BUT HIS DELIGHT is in the law of the Lord [God's word] ; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. And . . . whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. " I learned at an early age that if I delighted in the Lord and in His Word, He would be pleased with me and whatever I did would prosper. I began going to the altar with the adults to pray at church services. Such a deep hunger for God was stirred in me during those times! Why? Because I sensed my Heavenly Father's presence and that made me want more of Him. In these stressful and challenging times, we need a ...
Showing posts from August, 2017
Sin unto Death versus Sin not unto Death
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The distinction between kinds of sin is not, therefore, a ranking of the seriousness of sins that believers commit. Instead, we have here an implicit distinction between kinds of sinners and sinning. "Sinning not unto death" is, paradoxically, sin in the realm of life, committed by one who has eternal life. Some of the epistle's statements (3:4-10; 5:18) could be taken to mean that sinning is evidence that one does not have life. Yet when sins are dealt with in accordance with God's plan to forgive sins—through the prayer for forgiveness and the "atoning sacrifice" of Jesus Christ (1:9; 2:2)—God hears the prayer of one believer for another and so forgives the repentant sinner. The sinner remains in the realm of life. Yet in no way is John sanctioning cheap grace or a licentious lifestyle, for all wrongdoing is sin. Indeed, this is why the sins of all— even those who believe in the name of the Son of God and have eternal life—must be confessed and forg...
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Submissiveness, humbly patient. Submitting to God and waiting on God. This is not a standard the world sets for us. This is the standard set by the bible. Our world doesn’t honor meekness. They mistake meekness for weakness. No, our world honors other things such as pride and ingenuity. Having self-confidence and self-esteem, a sense of self-worth. Showing initiative and resourcefulness. These things create success. On the other hand, the bible tells us we’re all sinners, all have fallen short, there is none righteous, no not one! The bible reminds us our confidence instead is found in Christ not ourselves. James 3 tells us to show off your works in the meekness of wisdom. You can be a show-off, but only in submissive, humbly patient wisdom. What? The wisdom from above is pure, peacable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere. As we have been studying James you might notice that it is sort of a New Testament version of Proverbs. Many verses w...
The Truth is you're DEAD to SIN
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For all have sinned and have come short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). It means that all cannot come short of the glory of God had it been we all haven't sin. In other words, if we continue living without sin, then we can continue in the glory of God. Eureka! Christ HAS REDEEMED US from the cause of the law and death as a result of sin, that we which was once alive to sin or dead in sin might be made alive to righteousness or dead to sin. Apostle Paul wrote to the book of Romans 6:11. He said "likewise rekon ye also yourself to be dead to sin but alive to God through Christ Jesus". He established it in verse 10 that Christ died, and he died to sin but in that he's alive, he's alive to God. And you're a carrier of Christ (Colossians 1:27). Practically, the life you carry after you attained salvation is the life of Christ that is dead to sin but therein alive to God. There is a difference between to be dead in sin and to be dead to sin. Christ died t...
How sin WAR against the SOUL
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2 Corinthians 4:4 establishes that the god of this world is able and has blinded many from the LIGHT OF THE GOSPEL via sin. Everyone is a stranger in one of two ways. You are either a stranger to God, or a "stranger in the world." But you can't be both. The apostle Peter wrote these words to Christians: "I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul." (1 Peter 2:11) Christians are "strangers in the world" in the sense that heaven is our ultimate home. It is where we will spend eternity. We are just "passing through" earth right now on the way to our homeland. And while we are here, we are in a battle. There is a spiritual war going on, and sinful desires are the enemy. These desires wage war against us, and there is only one way to defeat them. Abstain. By saying "no" to sinful desires, we say "yes" to Jesus and His love. By not doing the wrong th...
Not many Christians can SHOW Love
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THE ONLY COMMANDMENT IS LOVE Even the so_called leaders that are meant to lead through the path of Love are failing. Most Christians show how to Love theologically but will be reluctant to practice what they know, especially when it doesn't concern them; the issue to be resolved. You'd see most people that ought to be in the position to lead by examples in the work of Love fall short absolutely of the idea. They practically leave you on your own with words and not support with actions If be it that way, Christ would have just charged his disciples to wash others feet without showing it practically. Perilous times indeed stated by the scripture for self admonition and self love is blinding Ministers and Rulers today. A selfish Christian is never what the Scriptures has encouraged in any situation. Remember what God intends the church to be . The church should be a foretaste of what heaven will be like, with many vastly different people unified in their diversity ...