The Truth is you're DEAD to SIN

For all have sinned and have come short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). It means that all cannot come short of the glory of God had it been we all haven't sin. In other words, if we continue living without sin, then we can continue in the glory of God. Eureka! Christ HAS REDEEMED US from the cause of the law and death as a result of sin, that we which was once alive to sin or dead in sin might be made alive to righteousness or dead to sin. Apostle Paul wrote to the book of Romans 6:11. He said "likewise rekon ye also yourself to be dead to sin but alive to God through Christ Jesus". He established it in verse 10 that Christ died, and he died to sin but in that he's alive, he's alive to God. And you're a carrier of Christ (Colossians 1:27). Practically, the life you carry after you attained salvation is the life of Christ that is dead to sin but therein alive to God.

There is a difference between to be dead in sin and to be dead to sin. Christ died to sin that we which were alive to sin or dead in sin can be made to live to God. His blood paid the ransom for all sins and hath brought us near to God which were once far from him. YOU MUST BEGIN AND CONTINUE TO ACKNOWLEDGE what you have IN YOU AND IN CHRIST JESUS because that's how the reality of being dead to sin becomes EFFECTUAL (Philemon 1:6). A dead person doesn't respond to them which are alive, physically speaking. So are you dead and not responsive to sin in your spirit being for so is Christ which is in you.

Yielding to sin with a nature of God inside your spirit man is an abomination. Apostle Paul said " God forbid (Romans 6:15). The more reason you must take the following steps:
1. Acknowledge what you have in the inside of you (Colossians 1:27)
2. Rekon yourself to be dead to sin and alive in Gods presence (Romans 6:11)
3. Deny yourself of fleshy list and all other kinds of sin. You can do it, you've been enabled to do it (Colossians 3:5)
4. Resist and continue to resist the devil, he always flees but doesn't get tired. You shouldn't relent either. For greater is him in you than he that's     in the world.
5. Live in the reality of death to sin and being alive in Gods presence through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Shalom! See you in heaven!!


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