"And he entered into one of the ships, which was Simon's, and prayed him that he would thrust out a little from the land. And he sat down, and taught the people out of the ship" (Luke 5:3) Luke 5: 1-11

John Mason, preacher and bestselling author, was right when he observed that "the big problem is not the haves and have nots; it’s the give nots. The Lord loves a cheerful giver – and so does everyone."

Unfortunately, many people strive to get as much as possible and give little or nothing away. That way, they continue to miss the ample blessings attached to giving. The experience of Simon Peter in the Bible reference for meditation bears testimony to the blessedness of giving to the Lord. Peter gladly released his boat to Christ to minister to people who had come to hear God’s word. After ministering to the multitude, Christ turned to Peter and instructed him to launch out into the deep and let down his nets for a catch. He did and the catch was so huge that his boat almost sank! Simon Peter lent to the Lord and got much more than his professional skill and experience could ever fetch him – something way beyond his imagination.

The secret of getting is giving. We deprive ourselves of blessings when we begrudge the Lord the use of our "boat". Again, those who rely on self-management and others who thrust themselves into ministry without God’s approval should remember how Peter and his colleagues toiled all night and caught nothing. True success comes when we act on God’s word. What is it that you are keeping from the Lord? Does the Lord have access to your heart? Can He use your time and property freely? Is your talent at His disposal? How much are you "lending" to the Lord? The Lord requires that you lay your all on the altar today for only then are you assured of constant divine flow.

Thought for the day: A closed heart and clenched fist shut out God’s manifold blessings.

BLOGGERS REVIEW: The Bible says in the book of Proverbs that our compassion for the poor, or he that has pity on the poor has lend the Lord, and the Lord shall surely repay such. What a mighty scripture. Proverbs 19:17 as it quotes "He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the LORD; and that which he hath given will he pay him again". This is a huge key to any true believer on exploring the riches and glory of God. Invest in the Lord by giving the poor today


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