There are better blessings attached to every disappointment. Review
Disappointment is delayed appointment. Disappointment will strengthen but will never destroy. When disappointment travels towards you, you must be determined to meet it with courage. Never give in to disappointment, hopelessness or despair. When you overcome disappointment, you acquire the strength to change your disappointment and turn it into an appointment. Nobody can avoid pain. Pain is inevitable and pain comes through disappointment but you can do something about your situation and be determined to walk through the darkness of disappointment into the light of your appointment, your destination. An African proverb says, “Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors”. You cannot run away from trouble, trouble will always come. You cannot avoid pain, it is inevitable. The difficulties of life are intended to make us better. A path with no obstacles leads nowhere.
The world is a hard place, it is full of disappointments, woes and troubles but we can turn this around and create an opportunity to turn this into a blessing. You can change the face of disappointment, embrace it, meet it as a friend and turn it into an appointment. “Every disappointment is a blessing”, this is a quote we are all familiar with. At the time of disappointment we may not see the blessing but after the season of disappointment comes the season of appointment. Be ready to embrace your current disappointment in order to see the season of your appointment. See every disappointment as a disguise for blessing and soon enough you will begin to see your blessing emerge through the pain of disappointment. Learn to convert your difficulties into opportunities. Disappointment is a message that leads us to our destination of appointment. So let your joy scream across the pain of disappointment.
Today, I encourage you take heart! Turn on the light of your appointment and the darkness of disappointment will fade away from you!
Disappointment is delayed appointment. Disappointment will strengthen but will never destroy. When disappointment travels towards you, you must be determined to meet it with courage. Never give in to disappointment, hopelessness or despair. When you overcome disappointment, you acquire the strength to change your disappointment and turn it into an appointment. Nobody can avoid pain. Pain is inevitable and pain comes through disappointment but you can do something about your situation and be determined to walk through the darkness of disappointment into the light of your appointment, your destination. An African proverb says, “Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors”. You cannot run away from trouble, trouble will always come. You cannot avoid pain, it is inevitable. The difficulties of life are intended to make us better. A path with no obstacles leads nowhere.
The world is a hard place, it is full of disappointments, woes and troubles but we can turn this around and create an opportunity to turn this into a blessing. You can change the face of disappointment, embrace it, meet it as a friend and turn it into an appointment. “Every disappointment is a blessing”, this is a quote we are all familiar with. At the time of disappointment we may not see the blessing but after the season of disappointment comes the season of appointment. Be ready to embrace your current disappointment in order to see the season of your appointment. See every disappointment as a disguise for blessing and soon enough you will begin to see your blessing emerge through the pain of disappointment. Learn to convert your difficulties into opportunities. Disappointment is a message that leads us to our destination of appointment. So let your joy scream across the pain of disappointment.
Today, I encourage you take heart! Turn on the light of your appointment and the darkness of disappointment will fade away from you!
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